About Us

Energy Research and Planning

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Enable the MEEI & GORTT to continually assess and refine energy industry strategy; Monitor effectiveness and progress of Local Content and Renewable Energy Strategies; Identify future areas for strategic emphasis that influence local energy sector developments
  2. Conduct ongoing domestic and international energy industry market and market-related trend analysis to inform future planning
  3. Regular dissemination of energy related information to internal & external stakeholders
  4. Provide support, information and recommendations in response to requests from internal and external stakeholders
  5. Provide secretariat support to the Standing Committee on Energy, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative , Permanent Local Content Committee including follow-up internal communication
  6. Provide guidance for drafting local content legislation and renewable energy and other areas of future strategic emphasis
  7. Monitoring and reporting on State Energy Companies


Objectives (Reporting Strategic Plan):

  1. Increase use of Renewable Energy Technologies
  2. Increase Local Content in energy sector
  3. Increase efforts to foster international growth, diversification and competitiveness
  4. To monitor the Public Sector Investment Program with respect to energy driven projects
  5. To strengthen MEEI’s capability to monitor State Energy Companies
  6. Maximization of the PSC Funds for R&D to ensure sustainability of the Energy Sector of T&T




Committees/Units: (Operational Plan)

Local content

  • Promotion and implementation of Local Content in energy sector

Work Permit

  • Develop and export Trinidad and Tobago’s human capital

Standing Committee on Energy

  • Implementation of the Strategic Support Committee to provide support to the Standing Committee on Energy (SCE)

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

  • Achieve EITI compliant country status by 28th February 2014


Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP)

  • To monitor the progress of energy driven projects funded under the PSIP and Infrastructure Development Fund

International Energy Business

  • Promote the export of Trinidad & Tobago energy services sector
  • Develop and support energy sector related international agreements and commitments
  • Attract foreign direct investments

Energy Trends Analysis

  • To strengthen MEEA’s capability to monitor State energy companies
  • To strengthen the MEEA’s data management capabilities to generate more timely analyses of future trends
  • Drafting of Ministerial speeches, Budget statements and Parliamentary statements
  • Submission of sector reports to Cabinet
  • Management of financial obligations under Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs)


  • Establishment of the South-South Hydrocarbon Capacity Development Programme for learning, knowledge-sharing and capacity development in the energy sector among countries of the global South
  • Support the Ministry of Housing in the Development of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Policy Framework, Strategies, and Action Plan