Roles and Responsibilities:
- Enable the MEEI & GORTT to continually assess and refine energy industry strategy; Monitor effectiveness and progress of Local Content and Renewable Energy Strategies; Identify future areas for strategic emphasis that influence local energy sector developments
- Conduct ongoing domestic and international energy industry market and market-related trend analysis to inform future planning
- Regular dissemination of energy related information to internal & external stakeholders
- Provide support, information and recommendations in response to requests from internal and external stakeholders
- Provide secretariat support to the Standing Committee on Energy, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative , Permanent Local Content Committee including follow-up internal communication
- Provide guidance for drafting local content legislation and renewable energy and other areas of future strategic emphasis
- Monitoring and reporting on State Energy Companies
Objectives (Reporting Strategic Plan):
- Increase use of Renewable Energy Technologies
- Increase Local Content in energy sector
- Increase efforts to foster international growth, diversification and competitiveness
- To monitor the Public Sector Investment Program with respect to energy driven projects
- To strengthen MEEI’s capability to monitor State Energy Companies
- Maximization of the PSC Funds for R&D to ensure sustainability of the Energy Sector of T&T
Committees/Units: (Operational Plan)
Local content
- Promotion and implementation of Local Content in energy sector
Work Permit
- Develop and export Trinidad and Tobago’s human capital
Standing Committee on Energy
- Implementation of the Strategic Support Committee to provide support to the Standing Committee on Energy (SCE)
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
- Achieve EITI compliant country status by 28th February 2014
Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP)
- To monitor the progress of energy driven projects funded under the PSIP and Infrastructure Development Fund
International Energy Business
- Promote the export of Trinidad & Tobago energy services sector
- Develop and support energy sector related international agreements and commitments
- Attract foreign direct investments
Energy Trends Analysis
- To strengthen MEEA’s capability to monitor State energy companies
- To strengthen the MEEA’s data management capabilities to generate more timely analyses of future trends
- Drafting of Ministerial speeches, Budget statements and Parliamentary statements
- Submission of sector reports to Cabinet
- Management of financial obligations under Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs)
- Establishment of the South-South Hydrocarbon Capacity Development Programme for learning, knowledge-sharing and capacity development in the energy sector among countries of the global South
- Support the Ministry of Housing in the Development of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Policy Framework, Strategies, and Action Plan