- To review, negotiate and draft contracts, licences and other agreements pertaining to the energy, petrochemical and mineral industry including inter alia, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs), Exploration and Production Licences and Quarry Licences.
- To review, draft opinions and proffer advice on matters and issues pertaining to the energy, petrochemical and mineral industry.
- To collaborate with the Office of the Attorney General, governmental agencies and other relevant entities, on matters involving the Ministry of Energy & Energy Industries and/or related to the energy, petrochemical and mineral industry.
- To participate in negotiations pertaining to the energy, petrochemical and mineral industry, among governments, governmental agencies, energy, petrochemical and mineral sector companies and other relevant entities (hereinafter referred to as “stakeholders”)
- To monitor and ensure compliance with existing legislation relating to the energy, petrochemical and mineral industry and to review, draft, amend and update such legislation as necessary.
- To secure legal and other documentation lodged at the Legal Repository and/or recorded in the Petroleum Register and Quarry Register and monitor access thereto and/or dissemination thereof.
- To collaborate with stakeholders in organizing seminars, conferences and workshops relating to the energy, petrochemical and mineral industry.