November – December 2019
Theme: Empowering People, Building Resilience
CARICOM Energy Month (CEM) is an annual CARICOM Event that aims to increase awareness about energy matters, given the critical role of energy to economic and social development. The Regional Theme of CEM 2019 is “Empowering People, Building Resilience”. The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI) will be spearheading this year’s Activity, which is:
- Art and Video Competition – November 20th – December 31st, 2019
Target Audience:
Primary School Students: 7-12 years
Lower Secondary School Students: 12-14 years
Upper Secondary School Students: 15-18 years
Competition Details:
Submit a creative, 2-Dimensional Art piece or 1-Minute Video depicting elements of the Theme. All Submissions must be done via:
1. Instagram – Upload a Photo of your entry to your Instagram account using the hashtag #CEM2019TT;
2. Facebook: Caricom Energy Month T&T 2019 – Upload a Photo of your entry to Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries Facebook page using the hashtag #CEM2019TT;
3. Email: – Send an email to (JPEG format) of your entry with the subject CEM2019TT; or
4. MEEI Head Office – Submit your entry to the Renewable Energy Division of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries.
NB.: Videos may be submitted via any of the above methods, while original Art Pieces must be submitted to the MEEI’s Head Office.
Entrants must register their entry with the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries by the deadline of 31 December, 2019, submitting the entrant’s Full Name, Age, School and contact number information, and their Art piece or Video (soft copy), along with a short description of their Presentation (150 words).
Where applicable, the social media account must be public, and all required information must be included in the caption and/ or first comment under the image, or within the body of the email.
Primary School Students
1st, 2nd & 3rd Prize: Vouchers
Lower Secondary School Students
1st Prize: Tablet
2nd Prize: Mobile Phone
3rd Prize: Wireless Headphones
Upper Secondary School Students
1st Prize: Laptop
2nd Prize: Tablet
3rd Prize: Mobile Phone
Employees of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries and their immediate families are not eligible to enter.
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE and EE) Youth Initiative
Giving Secondary and Tertiary-level students, an opportunity to share their ideas for RE and EE in T&T, in terms of achieving the 10% RE target by 2021.