Users are expected to observe the following guidelines for acceptable use of this website:
Neither the Government of Trinidad and Tobago nor any of its officers, acting through its agency, the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, is liable for any claim(s) arising from the use of the material at this site or from the unauthorized use of this service .
Intended Uses
- Malicious use is prohibited. Users are forbidden to infiltrate this or any other computer system and damage or alter existing software or hardware components at this site .
- Use of the content of this site for lawful purposes is allowed. Limited copying of material based on the definition of “Fair Use” as described in Web Law FAQ is acceptable.
- For all purposes – commercial and otherwise – ONLY the statistics found at this website can be reproduced in its entirety, with an acknowledgement of the source of the data. Relevant information can also be extracted from the rest of the content of the site and used TO INFORM original reports, papers and articles. Direct quotations from speeches and reports must be treated as such and the source/s acknowledged .
- Graphics at this site are the sole property of the MEEi and copying of such materials is strictly forbidden .
User Code of Conduct
- Users are expected to observe the laws of Trinidad and Tobago on Copyright and Intellectual Property and international ethical standards governing the use of the Internet and the Web as described in Web Law FAQ .
- This website and its resources are not to be used :
- to publish any obscene or indecent materials
- to conduct the personal business of staff
- as a propaganda tool by anyone
- as a medium to air dissatisfaction and grievances by any officer .
- Use of the Ministry’s logo, the official seal of the organization, by its staff, will require prior permission from the Head of the Department .
- All information to be published at this website will require prior approval of the Head of the Department or from person(s) authorized by that officer .