The Honourable Stuart R. Young MP Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister met with Mrs. Kellyanne Lochan, President and Country Chair (Ag) at Woodside Energy. The meeting took place at the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on 10th October 2023.
At the meeting Mrs. Lochan updated the Energy Minister on Woodside Energy’s assets in Trinidad and Tobago. Natural gas production at the Angostura field and the Calypso project’s deep-water gas resource were among the areas discussed. Minister Young emphasized that the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is prepared to work with all energy stakeholders to drive investments towards the continued production of oil and gas in existing fields and to explore the further development of resources in Trinidad and Tobago.
In keeping with this momentum, a team of Woodside Energy representatives will be meeting with the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries later this year. Both parties agreed to keep communications open with Woodside Energy reiterating its commitment to Trinidad and Tobago’s hydrocarbon resource development.
Media Release- Minister Young meets with Woodside’s President and Country Manager

The Honourable Stuart R. Young MP Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and Mrs. Kellyanne Lochan, President and Country Chair (Ag) at Woodside Energy.