On 21st February 2024, The Honourable Stuart R. Young, MP, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, along with Ms. Penelope Bradshaw-Niles, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries; Ms. Sandra Fraser, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries; Ms. Karinsa Tulsie, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries; Mr. Marc Rudder, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries and Mr. Terrance Ali, Senior Chemical Engineer (Ag.) Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries met with Mr. Henry Kevin Teichman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), T&T Salvage LLC; and Mr. Clinton Paul Williams, Director of Emergency Response Services, T&T Marine Salvage, Inc.
Mr. Henry Kevin Teichman, CEO, T&T Salvage LLC provided a high-level briefing on the execution of response efforts targeted at the overturned vessel and hydrocarbon discharge off the southern coast of Cove, Tobago.
After briefing Minister Young, Permanent Secretary Penelope Bradshaw-Niles and the T&T Salvage team left for Tobago to begin work on the first phase of their response and to collaborate with the teams currently on the ground.
The response team comprising a salvage master, naval architect and ADCI divers with experience in low to zero visibility diving and sonar technology will be arriving in Tobago to execute the required emergency response. Dive gear, hydrographic survey equipment and NOFI Current Busters are being flown in from the USA and Europe to Tobago.
Minister Young emphasized that the effective recovery of the hydrocarbons and restoration of Tobago’s coastline is paramount and the technical staff at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries will assist in facilitating operations.
Media Release- Minister Young Receives Briefing from T&T Salvage LLC, Oil Spill Removal Specialists