The Honourable Stuart R. Young M.P. Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister delivered the feature address at the Launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Energy and Green Energy Maps 2023/ 2024 hosted by the NGC.
View the full delivery of the feature address here: Minister Young’s Feature Address at the Launch of the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Map 2023 and Green Energy Map 2024.
The Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago 2023 Edition
NGC has sponsored the production of the Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago since 2005. In the past, production of the Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago was sponsored by energy companies who shared the cost equally. Past sponsors include bg-group (Shell), BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago (Woodside) and Petrotrin (Paria/Heritage). NGC is the sole sponsor of the updated 2023 Energy Map. Past versions of the map were distributed to NGC’s stakeholders, including GORTT via its Ministries; tertiary education institutions; regional and foreign embassies and High Commissions in Trinidad and Tobago, upstream and downstream companies, and the CARICOM Secretariat.
The map was also utilised in applications that supported NGC’s brand promotions as well as efforts in energy education at international and regional fora. This will continue with this new map.
The NGC Green Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago 2024 Edition
The Trinidad and Tobago Energy Map has historically focused on oil and gas resources. However, over the past few years, the local energy sector has been embracing the transition towards a cleaner energy future. NGC has been leading that movement, pursuing a diverse Green Agenda, and integrating sustainability into all aspects of our business. The new Trinidad and Tobago Green Energy map will be distributed to the same NGC stakeholders as the Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago.