The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries advises that the Honourable Stuart R. Young M.P. Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister led a high-level delegation to the London office of the International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund where Minister Young successfully advocated for Trinidad and Tobago’s access to the 1992 IOPC Fund, resulting in the 1992 Fund Executive Committee deciding:
(a) that the 1992 Civil Liability and Fund Conventions would apply to this incident ( the recent oil pollution incident off the Coast of Cove, Tobago); and
(b) to authorize the Director to make payment of compensation in respect of claims arising from this incident.
This decision provides for Trinidad and Tobago to be reimbursed its costs incurred as a result of the oil spill incident.
View the full press conference here

First Row, from left to right: Mr. Marc Rudder, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Ag.) Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries; the Honourable Stuart R. Young M.P. Minister of Energy and Energy Industries; Ms. Sandra Fraser, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries.
Second Row, from left to right: ; Captain Steve Don Polo, Commanding Officer Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard; Dr. Ava Maxim, Director Institute of Marine Affairs; His Excellency, Vishnu Dhanpaul , High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Kingdom; Ms. Indira Ramkissoon-Rambharose, Senior State Counsel Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries; Mr. Ronald Alfred, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Ag.) Ministry of Works and Transport; and Ms. Urvashi Ramnarine, Head of Chancery, High Commission for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.