The Honourable Ms. Nicole Olivierre, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries receives a copy of the report from Mr. Victor A. Hart, Chair TTEITI Steering Committee before delivering her maiden speech. |
Mr. Sherwin Long, Head TTEITI Secretariat and this morning’s Master of Ceremonies opened the event. Expected to speak this morning: Mr. Victor A. Hart, Mr. Riaz Ali and the Honourable Ms. Nicole Olivierre Minister of Energy and Energy Industries. |
Newly appointed Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, the Honourable Nicole Olivierre (R) greets President of the Contractors and General Workers Trade Union Mr. Aynsley Matthews prior to their meeting at the Ministry’s Head Office in Port-of-Spain.
http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-minister-meets-contractors-and-general-workers-trade-union/ |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (3rd from right), Selwyn Lashley, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy (far left) with Senior Executives of Japanese Conglomerate Marubeni following a meeting at his Port-of-Spain office.
Here’s the full media release: http://www.energy.gov.tt/marubeni-executives-pay-courtesy-visit-to-energy-minister-kevin-ramnarine/ |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (centre) presents a copy of the Black Gold Book to Rudolf Elias, CEO of Suriname’s national oil company Staatsolie (right) while Mr. Selwyn Lashley (left) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs looks on:
http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-minister-kevin-ramnarine-meets-ceo-of-staatsolie/ |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (3rd from left) has the attention of Mr. Gengwen Sun, Chairman LandOcean Energy Services, Mr. David Chen Chairman Range Resources, other Senior Officials from Range Resources and Mr. Selwyn Lashley Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs.
Read the full media release here: http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-minister-meets-with-senior-officials-from-landocean-energy-services-and-range-resources-ltd/ |
“In the meeting the Minister and the BG Group COO discussed the production of natural gas from blocks 5C and 5D, the Bounty Appraisal Well, the Lobster Exploration well, the commercialization of Loran/ Manatee natural gas and future investments by BG T&T in Trinidad and Tobago.”
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (left) points out an area of interest on the Trinidad and Tobago 2015 Energy Map to Sami Iskander(right) BG Group Chief Operating Officer.
http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-minister-kevin-ramnarine-meets-bg-group-coo/ |
“Given the Ministry’s commitment to safety in the Energy Sector, the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (MEEA) is hosting a series of Rig Inspection Workshops (RIW) for MEEA employees at the Ministry’s Head Office.”
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (4th from right) discusses the purpose of the Rig Inspection Workshop with Khalid Hassanali (2nd from right) President Petrotrin, Shyam Dyal (2nd from left) HSE Manager Petrotrin and Jamaluddin Khan, VP Exploration and Production, Petrotrin.
http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-minister-kevin-ramnarine-tours-land-based-rig-in-palo-seco/ |
Minister Ramnarine (R) shakes the hand of Mr. Selwyn Lashley (L), Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy in front of the Caribbean Energy Map. Also captured in the photo are Mr. Barton Russell and Ms. Carol-Ann Frontin De Peaza, Ministry’s both from the Ministry’s GIS Unit. |
(L-R) Mr. Barton Russell, Ministry’s GIS Unit, Mr. Selwyn Lashley, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Energy, Minister Ramnarine, Ms. Carol-Ann Frontin De Peaza, Ministry’s GIS Unit, Ms. Victoria Behn, Director Events, Petroleum Economist, Mr. Khalid Hassanali , President Petrotrin Mr. Jamaludin Khan, VP Exploration and Production, Petrotrin all pose in front of the Caribbean Energy Map. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine together with teachers and students from the Parvati Girls’ Hindu College display the school’s Energy Game, “ClimaQuest”. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine is captured here delivering the feature remarks at the Commissioning Ceremony for the Ministry’s Renewable Energy in Schools Project at the Parvati Girls’ Hindu College. |
“Rowan currently operates two Rigs in Trinidad and Tobago, the Rowan Gorilla III which is currently working for EOG Resources and the Rowan EXL II which is currently working for bpTT.”
L-R: Phillip Moore Operations Manager of Lennox Petroleum, Michael Ivey, Operations Manager, Rowan Drilling, Trinidad, Minister Ramnarine, Sieu Rambhajan, Chief Financial Officer of Lennox Petroleum and Selwyn Lashley Permanent Secretary Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (MEEA).
http://www.energy.gov.tt/rowan-drilling-pays-courtesy-call-on-energy-minister-ramnarine/ |
From left: Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, speaks with the President of Africa and Latin America Exploration & Production at the Chevron Corporation, Ali Moshiri and T&T’s Minister of Energy, Kevin Ramnarine, during the Welcome Reception of the Caribbean Energy Security Summit, at Blair House, Washington DC, on Sunday night. |
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza (left) greets Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs during last week’s Energy Security Summit which was hosted by United States Vice-President, Mr Joe Biden. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs delivers the feature address during this morning’s East Brighton Signing Ceremony: |
Mr Liangku Wang, CEO of SOOGL. |
Mr Michael Loewen, Country Manager, Primera East Brighton. |
Senator the Honourable Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine congratulates Mr Michael Loewen, Country Manager, Primera East Brighton, as well as Mr Liangku Wang (second from right), CEO of SOOGL. Also present were Mr Lindsay Gillette, Chairman, Petrotrin (far right), Mr Ian Fletcher, Comissioner and State Lands (second from left) and PS Lashley, MEEA (far left). |
Senator the Honourable Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine, along with Indira Nicole Rampaul-Cheddie, Senior Legal Officer, MEEA, ensure that the documents are signed accordingly. Mr Ian Fletcher (second from left), Comissioner of State Lands also prepares to sign the licence. |
Permanent Secretary (Ag) Mr Selwyn Lashley welcomes guests during this morning’s signing ceremony. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine |
“Safety trumps economics.” Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine delivers the feature address during this morning’s Signing Ceremony for Trinidad and Tobago Deep Water Blocks TTDAA 3&7: |
Deep Water Blocks TTDAA 3 & 7 have been signed! Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (centre) congratulates Mr Vincent Pereira (right), as well as Mr Garvin Goddard (far right) along with Mr Ian Fletcher (left) and PS Selwyn Lashley (far left): |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine, Mr Ian Fletcher, Commissioner of State Lands, and Mr Vincent Pereira, Country Manager, BHP Billiton T&T sign for deep water block TTDAA 3. Legal representatives from the MEEA, BGTT, BHP Billiton and members of the media look on: |
Head table L-R: Francesca Hawkins, Master of Ceremonies, PS Selwyn Lashley, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, Mr Ian Fletcher, Commissioner of State Lands, Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Mr Vincent Pereira, Country Manager, BHP Billton T&T and Mr Garvin Goddard, President, BGTT, during the start of the Deep Water Blocks TTDAA 3 &7 signing ceremony. |
Mr Pereira, BHP Billiton’s Country Manager (centre), chats with MEEA’s Chief Technical Officer (right), Mr Richard Jeremie, and Mr Garvin Goddard (left), President, BGTT, before the start of the signing ceremony: |
Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago, 2015 Edition. |
Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Kevin Ramnarine welcomes guests during this morning’s Petroleum Economist’s Energy Map unveiling ceremony: |
Ms Anthea Pitt, Executive Editor of the Petroleum Economist made brief remarks congratulating the MEEA, NGC and the country on working hard to maintain energy maps in T&T: |
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, Selwyn Lashley welcomes guests during this morning’s Petroleum Economist’s 2015 Energy Map unveiling ceremony: |
We are always proud to partner with the National Gas Company (NGC) to make great changes in T&T #NGC #MEEA |
It’s under wraps! Stay tuned for the live unveiling of the new map. #MEEA #MinistryOfEnergyandEnergyAffairs |
The new Port of Galeota is the first new port in 17 years and first dedicated energy port. |
All you have to do is click. Visit our website, www.energy.gov.tt, tomorrow to view the live stream of tomorrow’s Presentation of the 2013 Ryder Scott Gas Reserve Audit from the Hyatt Regency Hotel. |
Senator the Honourable, Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs (centre) Minister Ramnarine presents a certificate to Mr. Sameer Ali, the MEEA’s Chief Mechanical Engineer after the successful completion of a four-day intensive workshop on Internal Asset Integrity Management and Risk Based Inspections.
Read the full press release on our website: http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-ministry-hosts-internal-asset-integrity-management-and-risk-based-inspections-workshop-for-staff/ |
Minister Ramnarine (centre), PS Selwyn Lashley, DPS Heidi Wong and members of the Mitsubishi Gas Company. |
In case you missed this, Minister Ramnarine presented Yorihiko Kojima, Chairman of the Board of the Mitsubishi Corporation with a token of appreciation during his courtesy visit on Monday 28th July 2014. |
Mr Curtis Mohammed, President, National Gas Company (NGC) CNG Company Ltd., (Ag) details the process of CNG conversion. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin C. Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs delivers the feature address during this morning’s seminar on applying for CNG licenses. |
In case you missed this in Sunday’s Trinidad Guardian:
http://www.guardian.co.tt/business/2014-07-07/ramnarine-hails-fifth-oil-find-two-years |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine and members of the Trinidad and Tobago delegation meet with Bob Dudley the Chief Executive of BP plc at the 21st World Petroleum Congress in Moscow on June 17 2014. The World Petroleum Congress is held every three years and is one of the world’s largest gathering of oil and gas leaders.
Discussions centered around the development of the Juniper field and future investments arising out of the OBC 3D seismic of BP’s acreage in the Columbus Basin. Accompanying Energy Minister Ramnarine was Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Energy Selwyn Lashley and the Ministry’s Chief Technical Officer Richard Jeremie. |
Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs Senator Kevin C. Ramnarine, third from right, aboard the LNG tanker Bilbao Knutsen, which was loading up with LNG to take to Chile. From left are Captain Fernando Alaya, Atlantic Chief Executive Officer Nigel Darlow, Atlantic Chief Operating Officer Arlene Chow, Chairman of Atlantic Gordon Deane and Permanent Secretary Selwyn Lashley.
Read the full release here: http://www.energy.gov.tt/media-gallery/media-releases/ |
Energy Minister meets BHP Billiton’s President of Conventional Production Steve Pastor:
“Discussions centered on BHP’s future plans for the Angostura field in particular its investment in Angostura Phase III which is expected to bring more natural gas into production by 2016.
Read the full release here:
(L to R): Mr Vincent Pereira, T&T country manager BHP Billiton
Kevin Ramnarine, Energy Minister, Mr Steve Pastor, President of Conventional Production BHP Billiton, Heidi Wong, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Ag), Ministry of Energy. |
“Discussions were centered around BP’s upcoming investments in Trinidad and Tobago and the global outlook for the oil and gas industry.
Mr. Svanberg had previously met Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on the margins of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth Australia in late 2011.”
L-R: Minister of Finance – Larry Howai, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs – Kevin Ramnarine, BP plc Chairman – Carl Henric Svanberg and President of BPTT – Norman Christie.
Read the full release here: http://www.energy.gov.tt/ministers-meet-bp-plc-chairman/ |
Sir Sam Jonah, Chairman of Range Resources autographs a copy of his book “Sam Jonah and the remaking of the Ashanti” for Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine.
For the full media release, please visit our website:
http://www.energy.gov.tt/energy-minister-kevin-ramnarine-meets-sir-sam-jonah-chairman-of-range-resources/ |
PS Lashley (left), BHP Billiton President, Mr Vincent Pereira (next to Ms Bradshaw-Niles) and BG International representative initial their bid for block TTDAA 3.
BG International and BHP Billtion bid for this block in consortium. |
The first bid box is open with the assistance of MEEA employees Senior Petroleum Engineer, Penelope Bradshaw-Niles (left) and Senior Chemical Engineer, Sheldon Butcher.
TTDAA 3: Repsol, BG International with BHP Billiton placed bids for this block.
TTDAA 7: BHP Billiton with BHP Billiton placed a bid for this block. |
PS Selwyn Lashley and the representative from the bidding company, Repsol, initial the document. Repsol placed a bid for block TTDAA 3. |
MEEA says No to Privatisation of Lake Asphalt and Petrotrin-OWTU and CGWTU Statements Baseless.
Read the full release here:
http://www.energy.gov.tt/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Press-Release-LATT-and-Petrotrin-privitization_FINAL-March-25-2014-2.pdf |
Energy Minister also received a token of thanks from the University of Texas at Austin. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs delivers the key note address at today’s 2014 IX Latin American Forum on Energy and the Environment conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, POS, Trinidad. |
Big oil find in T&T within next five years:
http://www.trinidadexpress.com/business/Big-oil-find-in-TT-within-next-five-years-249361841.html |
Energy Minister meets with BP Chief Operations Officer Andy Hopwood. L-R: Norman Christie, President BPTT
Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs
Andy Hopwood, COO, BP, Giselle Thompson, VP BPTT.
Here’s the full media release: http://www.energy.gov.tt/minister-of-energy-meets-with-bp-chief-operations-officer/ |
Port of Spain, Trinidad – Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine met earlier this week with new Atlantic (formerly Atlantic LNG) director Christiano Pinto Da Costa this week at the offices of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (MEEA), Port of Spain, Trinidad. Mr. Pinto Da Costa is the representative of Shell on the board of Atlantic. Shell has replaced Repsol as a shareholder in all four LNG trains and now sits on the Board of Atlantic. Minister Ramnarine noted that Shell’s acquisition of Repsol’s assets in Atlantic was a demonstration of Shell’s long term confidence in Trinidad and Tobago. He also congratulated Shell on the 100th anniversary of their business presence in Trinidad and Tobago. Also in attendance at the meeting were Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Of Energy and Energy Affairs Selwyn Lashley, Luis Prado Country Chair of Shell and TC Wong of Shell.
New Atlantic Director Christiano Pinto Da Costa of Shell presents Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine with a copy of a book commemorating Shell’s 100 years in Trinidad and Tobago.
L- R: Permanent Secretary, MEEA, Selwyn Lashley,
New Atlantic Director, Christiano Pinto Da Costa, Country Chairman for Shell, Luis Prado, TC Wong of Shell. |
#MEEA employees, Gail Prince Persad (left) and Kiran Harnanan, of the #RenewableEnergy unit discuss strategy before the start of today’s “Green Day”. |
Can you guess where and when this photo was taken? You can pick up a copy of The Energy Platform to find out more. |
MEEA employee Mr Clement Ramroop takes a turn on the putting green set up by #energyconference exhibitor Perfection Services Limited (PSL). |
MEEA employees engage with a conference guest where they discussed at length the various ongoing MEEA initiatives. |
The energy in the Energy Pavilion is steady. |
Energy Minister greets conference guests along with Mr Frank Look Kin, Adviser to Minister (far right). |
Energy Minister visits the National Energy booth at #EnergyConference2014 |
In today’s Business Section of the Trinidad Guardian. |
The Repsol booth is abuzz with the sounds of revving engines and a few taking a seat on their display motorcycle |
One of the booths at #EnergyConference2014 |
#MEEA employees get ready for day two of #EnergyConference |
The BP booth at #EnergyConference |
MEEA employee Sita Persad demonstrates the interactive touch-screen for Francesca Hawkins, who is providing media services for #EnergyConference2014 |
Here’s a peak at the interactive media hub that conference guests and visitors can access during #EnergyConference2014 |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine, PS Selwyn Lashley and Chief Technical Officer, Mr Richard Jeremie along MEEA staff members at the Ministry’s booth. |
Energy Minister stops by Petrotrin’s booth. |
It’s official, Energy Conference 2014 and trade show is open. |
Energy Minister and Dr Thackwray Driver greet guests. |
Energy Minister greets exhibitors and guests prior to the ribbon cutting ceremony. |
Energy Minister will officially open the Energy Pavilion and #EnergyConference2014 Tradeshow in just a few moments. |
The latest issue of The Energy Platform, #MEEA’s external newsletter. |
A few examples of the publications available for guests at #EnergyConference2014 |
The Energy Pavilion houses #MEEA, Petrotrin, NGC, National Energy and NP. |
#MinistryOfEnergyandEnergyAffairs’ booth in the Energy Pavilion at #EnergyConference2014 |
Members from #MEEA’s Legal Unit try out the touch screen presentations at The Energy Pavilion. |
#MEEA employees discuss energy related matters prior to the launch of #EnergyConference2014 |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine on the Ocean Lexington drilling rig.
The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (MEEA) was central to the planning and co-ordination of these maintenance events and collaborated with BP at the highest levels of that organization with the objective of mitigating the impact on the economy. This maintenance programme and its impact on natural gas supply were communicated to various agencies including the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the Economy and the media well in advance. It should be noted that at no time was the supply of natural gas to power generation companies impacted.
For more information, please visit our website: http://energy.gov.tt/content/_Natural_Gas_Outlook_Positive_in_2014.pdf |
Energy Minsiter Kevin Ramnarine (right), Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Developmement Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie (second left) with President of the IDB Luis Albert Moreno and US Secretary of Energy, Dr Ernest Moniz. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs (second left) with, from left, Commissioner of State Lands, Mr. Kumar Koonoolal; Country Manager, BHP Billiton, Mr. Vincent Pereira; President, National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Indar Maharaj and Secretary of Lex Caribbean, Chaoyang Petroleum (Trinidad) Block 2C Limited, Mary Mahabir. |
MEEA extends Shubh Divali greetings to the Hindu community here and around the globe. Have an energetic and safe weekend. |
MEEA staff member Kimberly London announced the bids as they are revealed. |
A sealed bid for the Ortoire block is opened. |
Energy Minister chats with Mr Roger Packer, President of The Energy Chamber (centre) and Dr Thackwray Driver, CEO of The Energy Chamber (right) and |
MEEA staff members display the empty bid boxes. |
A representative from a bidding company ensures that the sealed bid is initialed. |
A closer look at the opening of the sealed bids. Mr Sheldon Butcher, Sr Chemical Engineer, MEEA assists with all the bids. |
Deputy Permanent Secretary Richard Oliver and Indira Rampaul-Cheddie, Sr Legal Rep from MEEA initial the official bids with a member of the bidding company. |
The bids have been opened and initialled. |
Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine delivers the feature address. |
Official start to the Close of 2013 Onshore Bid Round. |
We’re up and streaming live on our website www.energy.gov.tt and live updating our Facebook page. Guests have a cordial chat before the official start of today’s opening of bids. |
In charge: MEEA staff members who are tasked with opening the sealed bid boxes. |
The sealed bid boxes containing the bids for each block will be open and bidders will be revealed shortly. Watch this space for our live updates and don’t forget that we’re also streaming live on our website www.energy.gov.tt |
We are just a few minutes away from the live stream of the Close of the Onshore Bid Round 2013, today, Thursday 31st October 2013 at 3:00 p.m.
Be sure to visit our website , www.energy.gov.tt, 15 minutes before to view the live stream. The icon will look like this… |
We are just a few hours away from the live stream of the Close of the Onshore Bid Round 2013, today, Thursday 31st October 2013 at 3:00 p.m.
Be sure to visit our website , www.energy.gov.tt, 15 minutes before to view the live stream. The icon will look like this… |
Be on the look-out for the live stream of the Close of the Onshore Bid Round tomorrow, Thursday October 31st 2013, from the Hyatt Regency.
Just visit our website www.energy.gov.tt at at 2:45 p.m., and you too can be part of this live event. |
Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, centre, has a chat with British High Commissioner His Excellency Arthur Snell, second left, President of Petrotrin Khalid Hassanali, second right, Leni Oil and Gas Chief Executive Officer Neil Ritson, left, and Chief Operating Officer Fergus Genkins at the Goudron Oilfield in Guayaguayare. |
Energy Minister signs the NOSCP as other leaders in the energy sector look on. |
President of Petrotrin Mr Khalid Hassanali addresses guests during today’s signing ceremony. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs delivers the feature address. |
Mr Marc Rudder, Senior Petroleum Engineer and Chair NHCSCP Committee, MEEA gives the opening remarks for this morning’s signing ceremony. |
Energy Minister (second from right) and (L-R) Minister of Tertiary Education and Skills Training, Senator the Honourable Fazal Karim and MP The Honourable Rudranath Indarsingh present the cheque used to fund the Apprenticeship Programme. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine delivers his feature address. |
Young apprentices geared up to begin the Apprenticeship Programme. |
Mr Navin Boodhai, Deputy Chairman of the NTA addresses guests during this morning’s launch. |
Energy Sector Records 2nd Quarter Growth.
Please visit our website to read the full press release:
http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Sector_Records_2nd_Quarter_Growth.pdf |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine and Minister Larry Howai meet with Bob Dudley at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs yesterday. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine receives Trinidad and Tobago’s first ever EITI report from Victor Hart of TTEITI. |
Energy Minister accepts the formal documents from Mr.Braga. |
Mr. Braga of Total and Mr. Indar Maharaj, President of NGC sign the acquisition agreement. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine delivers the feature address at this morning’s signing ceremony. |
Mr. Juan Marcos Braga, Project Director, New Ventures and Asset Management, Strategy Business Development, Total, S.A., addresses guests and members of the media. |
Mr. Roop Chan Chadeesingh, Chairman of NGC welcome guests and members of the media at the start of this morning’s press conference. |
Energy Minister greets guests before the start of the press conference. |
MEEA is live at the Hyatt Regency Hotel where the National Gas Company (NGC) and MEEA prepare for this morning’s signing ceremony for the NGC’s Acquisitions of Total’s Upstream Assets in Trinidad and Tobago. |
Energy Minister and members of the TTEITI Steering Committee. |
Energy Minister addresses guests and members of the media. |
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs accepts the first EITI report from Mr. Hart and Mr. Ali. |
Mr. Hart addresses guests and members of the media. |
(L-R) Mr Mark Regis, Head of the TTEITI Secretariat within the MEEA, Mr. Victor Hart, Chair TTEITI Steering Committee and Mr. Riaz Ali, Principal of BDO Trinity Limited Trinidad and Tobago’s first EITI Administrator. |
Minister of Energy, Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine addresses members of the media during this morning’s press conference.
For the full media release, please visit our website: www.energy.gov.tt |
Permanent Secretary (Ag), Mr Selwyn Lashley welcome the media and guests to the press conference. Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (centre) and Ambassador Gerald Thompson (right) of Trinidad and Tobago look on. |
Members of the media get ready for this morning’s press conference. |
Historic Agreement Signed for Loran Manatee Cross Border Gas Field. Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine shakes hands with his Venezuelan counterpart upon signing the historic agreement to develop the giant Loran Manatee Cross-border Gas Field.
Please visit our website for the full press release:
http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Minister_Kevin_Ramnarine_Signs_Historic_Agreement_to_Develop_the_Giant_Loran_Manatee_Cross-border_Gas_Field.pdf |
Caracas, Venezuela – Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine and his Venezuelan counterpart Rafael Ramirez after signing the historic Loran-Manatee agreement. Loran-Manatee is a giant gas field that straddles the TT-Venezuela maritime border. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine on CNC3 this morning with Hema Ramkissoon. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine launches “CNG Fuel of the Future ” at the NGC earlier today. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine and Permanent Secretary Selwyn Lashley meet Guatemalan Energy officials, including the Minister of Energy and Mines, Erick Archila Dehesa.
Please visit our website for the full press release:
http://www.energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Talks_Held_With_Guatemala.pdf |
Energy Minister fields questions from the media |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine in discussion with Mr Indarjit Maharaj of NGC, Mr Hassanali and other officials |
A cross section of today’s guests |
MEEA senoir members of staff Mr Ivor Superville and Ms Penelope Bradshaw Niles chat before presenting |
President of Petrotrin, Mr. Khalid Hassanali |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine presenting |
DPS Oliver in discussion with a colleague |
PS Selwyn Lashley (right) chats with Mr Vincent Pereira of BHP Billiton |
Prepping for the launch |
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is all smiles as Executive Vice President of the Mitsubishi Corporation Takahisa Miyauchi, left, Chairman of Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Kazuo Sakai, second left, play the national instrument. Also in photo are Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs Kevin Ramnarine and the Japanese Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago Yoshimasa Tezuka.
For the full media release, please visit:
http://www.energy.gov.tt/content/Government,_Neal_and_Massy_and_Mitsubishi_Reaffirm_Commitment_to_Petrochemical_Plant.pdf |
Minister Kevin Ramnarine exchanges greetings with Mr. Kazuo Sakai, Chairman of the Board of Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company Inc., on August 12 2013.
A meeting between senior officials of Mitsubishi Gas Chemicals and the Government was held at the Ministry of Finance and the Economy and was attended by the Minister of Finance and the Economy, Larry Howai, the Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Kevin Ramnarine, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment, Vasant Bharath and the Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, Bhoendradatt Tewarie.
Mitsubishi Gas Chemicals and Mitsubishi Corporation together with local conglomerate Neal and Massy are developing a Methanol to Di-Methyl Ether (DME) project in La Brea. The project is expected to cost $US 850 million and will have other downstream components.
DME has been described as a “next generation” clean fuel: it can be used as a replacement for Diesel in transportation and power generation, and a substitute for Propane in LPG. In addition, it can be used as an aerosol propellant as well as a refrigerant. |
Eid Mubarak to you and your families, both locally and abroad, as you celebrate the end of the Ramadan. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine with the Energy Minister of Uganda, Irene Muloni, during Emancipation Day celebrations in Port of Spain.
Front row, from left to right: High Commissioner for Trinidad and Tobago to Uganda, His Excellency Patrick Edwards, Energy Minister of Uganda, the Honourable Irene Muloni, MP
Energy Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kevin Ramnarine, and
Minister of State for Bunyoro Affairs, Honourable Ernest Kiiza. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine bids farewell to his Ugandan counterpart, Irene Muloni, along with King Solomon Iguru of Bunyoro (left of Minister Muloni), Minister of State for Bunyoro Affairs, Ernest Kiiza (right of Minister Ramnarine), Ugandan and NGC officials.
For more info, please visit: http://www.energy.gov.tt/content/_Energy_Minister_and_NGC_Bid_Farewell_to_Ugandan_Delegation.pdf |
Mr Richard Jeremie, Chief Technical Officer, MEEA presents |
Mr Herman G. Acuna presenting |
Energy Minister presenting at the 2012 Ryder Scott Gas Reserves Audit. |
MEEA is live streaming today’s 2012 Ryder Scott Gas Reserve Audit on our website www.energy.gov.tt. |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine chats with Mr Herman G. Acuna, Managing Sr VP, International, Ryder Scott Co., before this afternoon’s presentation |
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar officially opening the newest NP’s service station and Quikshoppe at Pierre Road junction, Charlieville. At left, is Energy Minister,. Kevin Ramnarine and Mr Neil Gosine (right). |
The Honourable Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar addressing the crowd. Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine looks on (far right). |
Senator the Honourable, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Kevin Ramnarine addressing the crowd. |
Energy Minister Meets With China Deputy Head of National Energy Administration
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine meets, from right, Mr. Zhang Yuqing, Deputy Head, National Energy Administration, His Excellency Huang Xingyuan Chinese Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago and Mr. Yang Lei, Deputy Director-General at the National Energy Administration.
For the full press release, please visit our website:
http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Minister_meets_with_Deputy_Head_of_China_National_Energy_Administration.pdf |
“Addressing the 2nd Gas Summit of the Gas Exporting Countries’ Forum (GECF) convened in Moscow, the Russian Federation on July 1, Minister Ramnarine expressed his commitment to work together with Venezuela, particularly in the development of the large natural gas reserves in the Plataforma Deltana area.”
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine (centre back) with Heads of State and Government at the 2nd Gas Summit of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum in Moscow.
Photo courtesy: Office of the President, Russian Federation http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/5664
http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Minister_Strengthens_Regional_and_Global_Ties_at_Gas_Exporting_Countries’_Forum_in_Russia_.pdf |
Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine and NP Chairman Neil Gosine look at four tanks seized by police on a raid in Sea Lots on Saturday 22nd June 2013.
For more info, please visit our website: http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Ministry_Pleased_with_Clampdown_on_Illegal_Diesel_Export.pdf |
Earlier today: Signing Ceremony for the Trinidad and Tobago Deep Water Blocks, TTDAA 5,6,28 and 29 with BHPBilliton at the Trinidad Hilton.
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs (centre) is flanked by BHP Billition Area Manager T&T Vincent Pereira (left), Dr David Rainey President of Exploration BHP Billiton Petroleum (far left), Commissioner of State Lands Kumar Konoolal (right) and MEEA’s Permanent Secretary (Ag) Selwyn Lashley (far right). |
For immediate release:
Energy Minister Visits Ocean Lexington Drilling Rig:
“The Ocean Lexington is owned and operated by Diamond Offshore and is here to drill for Centrica, Niko Resources and BGTT. The overall drilling campaign is expected to last at least two (2) years in the first instance. Prior to its arrival in Trinidad and Tobago, the Ocean Lexington operated in Brazil. The Minister was also informed that a number of local energy service companies have already been engaged to supply services to the Ocean Lexington.” |
Colombian Ambassador Pays Courtesy Visit To Minister of Energy:
Senator the Hon. Kevin C. Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs and His Excellency Alfredo Riasgos, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to Trinidad and Tobago met on May 7th 2013 and discussed several potential areas of cooperation to be explored. |
Energy Minister met Her Excellency Prianti Gagarin Djatmiko Singgih, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to this country yesterday and discussed several potential areas of cooperation to be explored.
http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Minister_Meets_Indonesian_Ambassador_.pdf |
Energy Minister Meets With New BG Group CEO. For more details, please click on the link:
L to R: Garvin Goddard, President BG T&T; Chris Finlayson, Chief Executive BG Group; Senator Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs; Vishnu Dhanpaul, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs; Richard Jeremie, Chief Technical Officer, Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs. |
Celebrate World Earth Day with us by unplugging all your electrical devices between 6:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m., tonight to help raise awareness for national energy conservation.
Whilst it may not be feasible or practical to unplug all your devices, we hope that there is some awareness achieved on how we can all do our part to conserve energy and help to protect our planet. |
MEEA extends warm wishes to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on her 61st Birthday. |
Energy Minister Meets with U.S. Deputy Energy Secretary:
http://energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Minister_Meets_with_U.S._Deputy_Energy_Secretary_.pdf |
Energy Minister, Kevin Ramnarine meets with Ambassador of Lithuania to look at possible opportunity to sell LNG. |
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar addresses the U.N. Photo courtesy H.E. Dr Neil Parsan, Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago in Washington, D.C. |
Here’s just a wee teaser of what’s to come…
Don’t miss out on the latest energy-related news and updates. Follow our blog: http://ttenergyupdate.wordpress.com/ |
Meeting today at the MEEA with all heads of NGC, PPGPL, TGU, TTEC and Powergen to work on the report for Cabinet on the Good Friday Blackout and recommendations to improve the Gas / Power/ Electricity sectors. |
Minister Kevin Ramnarine opening the Brentwood Service Station at Chaguanas.
The Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Senator Kevin Ramnarine yesterday (March 13 2013) opened the new Brentwood service station in Chaguanas which is the newest addition to the Unipet family. This station is the first new CNG station in Trinidad and Tobago in 20 years and brings to 10 the number of CNG stations in the country. The Brentwood station is the largest service station in Trinidad and Tobago and in the English speaking Caribbean. The station runs on a 24 hour basis and has 24 filling points of which four are for CNG. Minister Ramnarine noted that the motoring public was increasingly demanding higher standards from service stations. He also noted that the regulatory role of the Ministry of Energy was being strengthened and its inspectors had increased their vigilance over the energy sector. He added that the Ministry of Energy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, was in the process of putting the finishing touches on a new CNG business plan that would be submitted to Cabinet next month. Also present at the opening were the Minister of Food Production Senator Devant Maharaj, His Worship the Mayor of Chaguanas, Orlando Nagessar, Chairman of Unipet Dr. Afraz Ali and businessman Mr. Kenneth Medford. |
Minister Kevin C. Ramnarine greeting Minister Devant Maharaj at the opening of Brentwood Service Station in Chaguanas, Trinidad.
The Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Senator Kevin Ramnarine yesterday (March 13 2013) opened the new Brentwood service station in Chaguanas which is the newest addition to the Unipet family. This station is the first new CNG station in Trinidad and Tobago in 20 years and brings to 10 the number of CNG stations in the country. The Brentwood station is the largest service station in Trinidad and Tobago and in the English speaking Caribbean. The station runs on a 24 hour basis and has 24 filling points of which four are for CNG. Minister Ramnarine noted that the motoring public was increasingly demanding higher standards from service stations. He also noted that the regulatory role of the Ministry of Energy was being strengthened and its inspectors had increased their vigilance over the energy sector. He added that the Ministry of Energy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, was in the process of putting the finishing touches on a new CNG business plan that would be submitted to Cabinet next month. Also present at the opening were the Minister of Food Production Senator Devant Maharaj, His Worship the Mayor of Chaguanas, Orlando Nagessar, Chairman of Unipet Dr. Afraz Ali and businessman Mr. Kenneth Medford. |
As featured in today’s Business Guardian, “Energy Ad Campaign Wins Gold Award”
http://guardian.co.tt/business/2013-03-14/energy-ad-campaign-wins-gold-award |
Senator the Honourable Kevin C Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs (centre) greets Mark G. Papa, Chairman and CEO of EOG Resources Inc.
L-R: PS Vishnu Dhanpaul, PS Selwyn Lashley, William Thomas, President, EOG Resources Inc., Sammy Pickering, Managing Director, EOG Resources Trinidad Limited
Gary Thomas, Chief Operating Officer, EOG Resources Inc.,
Lindell Looger, VP and GM International, EOG Resources Inc. |
Congratulations to the MEEA Renewable Energy team and the “Where Does My Energy Come From” Campaign that just scooped up two Addy Awards! My Energy TT! Advertising agency Rostant did a wonderful job! |
The T&T Red Force Cricket team is gearing up for the match against Guyana in a few minutes. Much luck to our guys today! #MEEA #T&TRedForce |
The CARICOM COTED Special Meeting on Energy officially began yesterday with the hoisting of national flags representing the various countries that are attending the meeting. |
Andre Mortimer accepts his solar lamp from MEEA employee Ayasha Nickie. Andre won the lamp after his business card was drawn from a bowl of lucky (and eager) entrants. |
Randy Ramadhar Singh, RE Adviser to the Minister, chats with Andrew Collier of Tank and Fuel Services. |
Whew! We had a great time at the 2013 Energy Conference’s final day, aka Green Day. We wish all our energy sector counterparts a prosperous year ahead! |
A few of the MEEA staff volunteers durin the first day. The first day of the Energy Conference was vastly successful and the MEEA is enjoying a steady influx of eager and ‘energetic’ conferencers. |
The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs booth, all bright and shiny! The first day of the Energy Conference was vastly successful and the MEEA is enjoying a steady influx of eager and ‘energetic’ conferencers. |
Minister Ramnarine gives out tokens at the Energy Pavillion after yesterday’s opening ceremony. The first day of the Energy Conference was vastly successful and the MEEA is enjoying a steady influx of eager and ‘energetic’ conferencers. |
Minister Ramnarine officially opens the Energy Pavillion at yesterday’s opening ceremony. The first day of the Energy Conference was vastly successful and the MEEA is enjoying a steady influx of eager and ‘energetic’ conferencers. |
Minister Ramnarine had the pleasure of dining with former president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe last evening. President Uribe was one of the keynote speakers on day one of the Energy Conference. |
Here’s a little peek of the Ministry of Energy’s booth at the Energy Conference. Watch this space for more photos later on today! |
The Ministry of Energy is proud of the T&T Red Force Cricket team who blazed their way to triumph for a third year running. Congratulations guys! #RedForce #TrinidadandTobagoCricket #Trinidad #Tobago |
Good morning everyone! As the week, and New Year, progresses, have you made any resolutions that involve being more energy effecient? Perhaps you thought of purchasing a hybrid vehicle? Here’s a look at the MEEA Hybrid Prius
http://www.energy.gov.tt/ |
Energy Ministry and Petrotrin sign new E&P Licences for Trinmar Acreages – http://www.energy.gov.tt/content/Energy_Minsitry_and_Petrotrin_sign_new_E&P_Licences_for_Trinmar_Acreages_.pdf
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs shakes hands with Lindsay Gillette, Chairman of Petrotrin. |
The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs recently signed a new exploration and production licence with Petrotrin and Ten Degrees North.
Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine shakes Lindsay Gillette, Chairman of Petrotrin while Mr Kumar Koonoolal, Commissioner of State Lands and Mr Joel Pemberton, Chief Executive Officer of Ten Degrees North Operating Company Limited.
Please visit our website for more info:
http://www.energy.gov.tt/ |
Happy 50th Anniversary, from the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs |
Senator the Hon. Kevin C. Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs and Minister Ramirez – Minister of Energy Venezuela. |
The Honourable Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, shakes hands with Panama’s Secretary of Energy Urriola Tam, after the announcement of bilateral cooperation between the two countries on energy matters.Others included are Panama’s Ambassador Arline Gonzalez, Sen. The Hon. Kevin Ramnarine, The Honourable Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan and heads of state energy companies. |
The Prime Minister the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar is presented with a Coat – of – Arms plaque by Aleem Hosein (Vice President of Petrotrin), Kuralal Rampersad (Chariman of Trinidad Lake Asphalt), Senator the Hon. Kevin C. Ramnarine, Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Neil Gosine (Chairman of National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited), and Larry Howai (Chairman of NGC). Also present was Ronald Boodolay (President of Petrobras Mexico). |
Caricom Energy Week |
Minister of Petroleum and Energy of Nigeria Ms. Diezani Alison-Madueke and our Minister of Energy, Senator the Honourable Kevin Ramnarine conversing at the Commonwealth Business Forum. |