The Honourable Stuart R. Young MP Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and Ms. Sandra Fraser, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries participated in the Official Launch of the National Gas Company’s ‘Climate Adaption and Resilience Portal (CARP)’ along with NGC Executives Mr. Mark Loquan, President National Gas Company and Dr. Joseph Khan, Chairman of NGC Group.
Minister Young applauded the initiative from the NGC, as a national energy company and called for all energy related companies within the sector to incorporate similar initiatives into their operations. This initiative aligns with Trinidad and Tobago’s Vision 2030 development strategy and positions the country as a regional leader in the area of energy efficiency and resilience. Minister Young also stated that this initiative places Trinidad and Tobago as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) at the forefront in keeping with global climate trends.
Minister Young took the opportunity to encourage the young professionals and energy stakeholders in the room that we must also strike a balance between our decarbonization efforts and Trinidad and Tobago’s hydrocarbon-based economy which allows for benefits such as subsidized tertiary education.
The Climate Adaption and Resilience Portal will incorporate an interactive Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Interface with maps, charts and other tools. This will assist the wider society in planning their daily activities in order to mitigate potential climate threats. The portal will also provide alerts on natural hazards such as landslips, riverine alerts, air quality and seismic occurrences. NGC has indicated that members of the public are free to utilize the Climate Adaption and Resilience Portal to visualise climate change impacts using variables such as sea level rise, coastal zone monitoring as well as annual mean temperature and precipitation.

The Honourable Stuart R. Young MP Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister delivered the feature address at the official launch of NGC’s Climate Adaption and
Resilience Portal.

The Honourable Stuart R. Young MP Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister and Mr. Mark Loquan, President National Gas Company unveiled the NGC’s Green Energy Map of Trinidad and Tobago at the official launch of NGC’s Climate Adaption and Resilience Portal.