Welcome to the Results of the Annual Audit of the Non-Associated Natural Gas Reserves and Resources of Trinidad and Tobago for Year End 2019. This is the Ministry’s second Audit Results Press Conference in five (5) months, the last one being the Results of Crude Oil Audit for Year End 2018. This is evidence of the Government’s policy to maintain open channels of communication and to encourage the public to understand the Natural Resources that balance the high stakes gas supply and demand equation for the country.
The audit was conducted by the Ryder Scott Company, which began conducting Natural Gas Audits for and on behalf of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago beginning with the Year End 2000 Audit. Thereafter, Ryder Scott completed Audits annually till the 2019 Audit, with the exception of 2005. The current Cabinet approved contract with Ryder Scott Company was executed after a highly competitive tender process which selected the Company from a field of five (5) prestigious international petroleum consultants and is for audits covering the five (5) year period from year-end 2016 to 2020. The Year End 2019 audit is the fourth of
the contract, and is the subject of this presentation.